Devotion for October 30, 2023

“Jesus went out to the lake with his disciples, and a large crowd followed him. They came from all over. (Mark 3:7)

How good are you at sharing responsibility and delegating tasks? I admit that I’m not very good at this. I prefer to do things myself rather than trust others to do a job the way I like it. Surprisingly, when a task is just too big to do alone, and I have to rely on others, they always do a much better job than I would have! Also, when we do stuff as a team, it is much more enjoyable.

Imagine then what it was like for Jesus during his earthly ministry. Everywhere he went, crowds appeared and were hungry for his message of forgiveness and the physical and spiritual healing he offered. But Jesus’ time was short, and he needed helpers to spread the word and continue his work after he had gone. How could Jesus trust his disciples to continue his work when they continually seemed to miss the point of his preaching? Yet, it is what Jesus did and continues to do.

As children of the light and followers of the risen Christ, we are called to join in proclaiming the good news — the coming of the kingdom of God, here and now, on earth as in heaven. Jesus knows that we need help, and so the Holy Spirit comes to guide our words and our actions. Jesus knows that we won’t do a perfect job, maybe not even a good job, but he still invites us, over and over again, to join his mission to proclaim his kingdom through word and action. In today’s reading, Jesus “called to him those whom he wanted, and they came to him” (verse 13). He wants us and calls us today. Will you come to him?


Lord, fill me with your Spirit so that I may answer your call, come to you, and help to proclaim the good news through word and action. Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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