Devotion for October 9, 2021

“My heart rejoices in the LORD … I rejoice in Your salvation. There is no one holy like the Lord, indeed, there is no one besides You. Nor is there any rock like our God.” (1 Samuel 2:1-2)

For years, Hannah felt disappointed, like a failure. Why? She was barren when her husband’s other wife had given birth to children. Through this time of frustration, she cried out to God. And He answered her prayers in ways that she knew were miraculous.

Once God had given her a son, she could not contain her joy. Overwhelmed with praise, she exalted in the Lord. She knew that God had delivered her, provided for her needs, and blessed her beyond anything she could never have imagined.

Her joy was more powerful and profound because of the miracle that God had performed. He demonstrated that He could do anything. From her heart, she declared, “there is no one holy like the LORD.” We can depend upon Him. He is worthy of praise.

You may find yourself going through similar situations. You may face overwhelming challenges. You may feel disappointed or frustrated, even hopeless. It may not seem that there are answers to your problems. But, just like Hannah, remember to trust in God. Just like Hannah, cry out to Him and believe Him for the help you need.

Today, don’t hold back but pour out your heart to God. As He answers your prayers, give Him the glory. Let Him share the joy He has prepared for you! Remember, there is no rock like our God. You can depend upon Him.


Father, I commit this situation to You: ___________. I believe You will answer my prayers and meet my needs. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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