Devotion for October 9, 2024

“So he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and the devout persons … And they took him and brought him to the Areopagus, saying, ‘May we know what this new teaching is that you are presenting? For you bring some strange things to our ears. We wish to know therefore what these things mean.’” (Acts 17:17,19,20)

Technology has brought an unlimited amount of information to us. Even if it were possible to draw a line in the sand and stop any more ever being added to the existing amount of news, stories, background information and possible new ideas, it has been cited several times that it would still take several lifetimes to read and absorb what’s out there.

So, where does Jesus fit in? Our world is overflowing with news, ideas and stories. And now, with “fake news”, it’s even harder to distinguish between what’s real and what’s not. No wonder people are confused. It’s no wonder people throw their hands in the air, and in their attempts for peace and quiet from all the noise and news, even Jesus gets pushed aside. We need help to know which voice to listen to.

While Paul was in Athens, he noticed a whole bunch of idols and among them one to “An Unknown God”. And he also had conversations with people who would do nothing but talk about the latest ideas or bit of news. Only an astute evangelist would seize such a moment to talk about Jesus and who this “unknown God” really was.

For Paul, speaking about Jesus and unpacking the Scriptures was what he was commissioned to do. It is what he lived for. The gospel took him places. The gospel enabled him to meet some very influential people (Governor Felix, high priests and King Agrippa, to name a few) and influence them, too, with the good news of Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

But undergirding his missionary efforts was prayer. No doubt, before he entered a new region, city or town, his endeavours would have been immersed in prayer, asking for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide him to the right people so he could have the right conversations so that Jesus would be heard.

Try limiting the voices you listen to and focus on God’s word in that space. Be pleasantly surprised at what God might be saying to you as the Spirit speaks truth into your life.


Lord, let me focus on hearing Your Word, letting it fill my soul with joy and light, instead of listening to the news and talk around me that takes me from You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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