Devotion for September 20, 2023

“Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them.” (1 Corinthians 7:17)

I’ve met many Christians over the years who are married to a non-believing spouse. While I acknowledge it can’t be easy being married to someone who doesn’t share the Christian faith journey with their spouse, there’s a lot we can learn from them and admire about their approach to life. In my experience, most are willing to share what that is like, given the right moment to discuss it.

Several common issues arise: How often do they attend worship knowing they go alone and leave their spouse at home to do something else? How much do they financially give that expresses their love for God and his kingdom’s work? Do they get their children baptised? What school might they want their children to attend that supports their faith? How do they cope with the disappointment when the non-Christian spouse refuses to socialize with their Christian friends and attend events? Even the choice of what music might be played in the house or listened to on the car radio when driving?

Often I sense a sadness that they can’t pray with their spouse or have “God conversations” to help cope with the ups and downs of life. However, their deepest concerns center around the eternal destination of their non-Christian spouse. Their body language, tone of voice and genuine love reflect their desire to spend eternity with them, but deep down, they know that it may not happen, so they don’t dwell on it.

Please pray for anyone you might know in these situations. The more sensitive we can be towards their situation, the greater God’s love can be experienced by them.


Lord, be with those whose partner is a non-believer. Strengthen their faith, show them love and mercy, and let the Holy Spirit move in their lives to more show Your glory and be a testament to the love you show us all. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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