Devotion for September 30, 2020

“After the earthquake, a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper.” (1 Kings 19:12)

How often do we look or wait for some obvious and huge sign from God? Wouldn’t it be easier if we just had some loud and significant indication that the Lord was real? You’ve heard people say things like, “I just need a sign, and then I’ll believe!”

The Lord did many great works through the prophet Elijah. Elijah had witnessed amazing thing after amazing thing: miracles, endless supplies of oil and flour, resurrection, even fire called down from heaven consuming massive piles of sacrificial animals! He saw it all! Yet he runs and is afraid for his life. The Lord had shown Elijah great wonders demonstrating His power and might, but he was afraid of mere humans who wanted his death. How is it possible that someone who had seen these great signs would still flee and cower in fear?

We humans are so weak in faith! We only believe what we can see, and even then still find ourselves in fear and doubt. Elijah had substantial proof that he served the one, true God, but even then, he wasn’t quite certain of God’s power to save and protect. The Lord knows that you won’t believe the big things.

The Lord instead speaks to you in little ways that are quite unimpressive to the world. Paul speaks of this as the foolishness of God, which is wiser than men (1 Corinthians 1:25). He has spoken to you in Holy Baptism, in Holy Absolution, and in the Holy Eucharist. The Lord has given you His sure and certain Word. These are all things which the world can easily disregard, but to you, they are the power and voice of the Lord Himself. Even while we are hidden away, the Lord continues to come to us and speak. Do not fear!

Lord Jesus Christ, You commanded the wind and the waves, and they obeyed You. Speak peace to us, who are troubled by fear. By the power of Your Word, calm our anxious and doubting hearts and the raging storms of our spirits.

Stay encouraged!
Pastor Mike

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