Devotion for September 4, 2023

In His Presence “I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but [this woman] has wet My feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.” (Luke 7:44)

It was customary for the master of the house to provide water at the door so that those who entered could wash their dusty feet. Simon, a Pharisee, had obviously overlooked this important detail. However, the Savior used this oversight as a point to teach His disciples an important lesson about God’s forgiveness, grace, and personal worship.

A woman who was a prostitute had been waiting for the right moment to express her devotion to God. We are not told how she got into Simon’s house, only that she suddenly began to worship at the feet of the Savior, and every man in the room was aware of it. Without hesitation, she bowed before the Lord and broke the seal on a priceless bottle of perfumed oil. Obviously, she had heard Him teach at some point in the past and had repented of her sin. Nothing is so sweet to the Savior as the fragrance of our repentance.

This was her opportunity to say thank you to God for what He had done in her life. The perfumed oil she poured over His feet was very costly. Yet, Jesus did not stop her from worshiping Him or question where she had gotten the money to buy such an expensive gift. He knew her actions were motivated by pure devotion to God. He also realized that it was a steep sacrifice and something that she would remember for the rest of her life. Though she did not know it, she was anointing the Savior for his burial. Simon, however, did not even offer a simple pan of water so Jesus could wash His feet. Instead, the Pharisee acted in a typically legalistic fashion. He questioned why Jesus would allow such a display of affection to happen, especially knowing that this woman was a sinner.

God is not ashamed to be with us. This woman fell at Christ’s feet knowing that He had forgiven her many sins. She was there to worship Him. And today is the day that you can do the same.


Lord, I fall to the floor and cast my eyes to you. I am not worthy to be in Your presence, but Your love, grace and mercy have washed away my sin. Be with me and guide me with Spirit, and let my life reflect glory on Your Name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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