CAM Back-to-School

Dear CAM Supporter,

Thank you for making our 2022 Back-to-School program such a HUGE success!

To all of you who adopted a child(ren), THANK YOU!

To all of you who made monetary donations, THANK YOU!

To all of you who shopped for uniforms, THANK YOU!

To all of you who volunteered to receive/arrange the backpacks, THANK YOU!

To all of you who greeted families and distributed the backpacks, THANK YOU!

This was a team effort and our team ROCKS!


These families can not only start school having the necessary supplies for their specific school/class, but also the joy and pride in having a special new backpack stuffed with love! Along with their backpacks, each child received 2 uniforms, 2 pairs of socks, and underwear! We were also blessed with an additional 400 unstuffed backpacks to distribute to families through our clothing pantry.

YOU did that for these students! YOU were key in making the start of their school year a great one!

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

We hope you join us next year for this incredible program, and that you keep us in mind throughout the year as CAM continues to be a place that takes care of those in need. Upcoming events include the Share your Harvest Thanksgiving Food Drive and the annual CAM Christmas Store. If you would like more information on these events or other ways to ways to serve, please feel free to contact me at (210) 223-4099 or

Please click on the link below to enjoy our CAM Back-to-School video.
Back 2 School Program (

Nora Oyler
Project Manager
Christian Assistance Ministry – CAM

Our mission is to share the love of Christ by providing immediate assistance and encouragement to people in crisis.

110 McCullough
San Antonio, TX 78215
210-223-4099 Office
210-685-1068 Cell

How will you share your Harvest?

“When you harvest the crops on your land, do not cut all the way to the corners of your field. Don’t pick up the grain that falls on the ground. Leave it for the poor …” Leviticus 23:22

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