Devotion for April 8, 2022

It is so important that as a believer, we always know that the Lord goes before us in our day-to-day journey. We cannot afford to go before Him nor forget that He is leading the way. Know that you are never alone and that the Lord knows the path you take. The Lord Jesus demonstrates His love for us as He shares in our joys, sorrows, celebrations, and disappointments. We can rest knowing that He has worked out our situations in advance.

Mark 14:28: “But after I am raised from the dead, I will go ahead of you to Galilee and meet you there.”

In the previous verse, Christ tells His disciples that they will question each other about whether He was the true Messiah after witnessing Him being overtaken by the guards. However, the Lord encourages them, promising them that they will again come together and work on His behalf. The Lord assures them that He will be raised from death, telling them that when they go into Galilee He will meet them there.


Let us pray: Let us give thanks that in whatever challenges we may find ourselves, we have a Lord who precedes us in our walk and is faithful to work things out for the good of those that love Him and are called according to His purpose. In Jesus; Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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