Devotion for August 29, 2024

“Then he fell on his knees and cried out, ‘Lord, do not hold this sin against them …’” (Acts 7:60a)

This is the final part of Stephen’s speech, where he concludes his defense before the Sanhedrin. In response to their charges that Stephen has blasphemed the temple, Stephen quotes Isaiah, saying the temple itself cannot contain God. He then accuses the Jews of betraying and murdering Jesus, just like their ancestors, who did the same to the prophets.

Amazingly, we’re told that just before the Jewish leaders stoned Stephen to death, Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit and saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God in heaven (Acts 7:55,56). Jesus fulfilled his promise not only to Stephen but also to all Christian disciples when He said the Holy Spirit would teach them what to say when they are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities (Luke 12:11,12).

Stephen died what we would call a “Christian death”. That is, he died at peace with himself and having forgiven others, which was actually the same way in which our Lord Jesus died (Luke 23:34-46). Even though Stephen had every right to be resentful towards his enemies, he chose instead to forgive them and leave his own fate securely in God’s hands.

This “Christian death” is the sort of death every Christian should want to die. This isn’t a morbid thought, nor does it only apply to martyrdom. It applies to every day of our lives, because every day, death is a real possibility.

This should impact how we live day-to-day life. It should affect how we proclaim the gospel. It should give us assurance in Jesus as our only hope and Savior in life. It should even empower us to say “I love you” each night to our loved ones before we go to sleep.

I’m sure Stephen didn’t expect to die when he got out of bed that morning. But he did. And it can happen to us, too. So, love those who are closest to you. Tell them that you love them each night before you go to sleep. And, above all, before the beginning and end of each day, be at peace with God and forgive others.

Let this be our daily mantra:


Lord Jesus, I commit my life and all I have into Your hands. Grant that I may continue doing this all the days of my life, by Your grace at work in me. Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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