Devotion for December 10, 2024

“My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you, how I wish I could be with you now and change my tone, because I am perplexed about you!” (Galatians 4:19,20)

The Apostle Paul was a well-educated and very intellectual Jew. He belonged to the party of the Pharisees and had the potential to become an influential political and religious leader. But God singled him out and called him to an incredible mission. Paul was called to go out of his safe Jewish comfort zone to preach the gospel to the foreign people he loathed so much.

During one of his mission trips, he ended up in the region of Galatia, where he was welcomed with enthusiasm and warmth. The Galatians readily received and believed his message. Paul had some serious health problems when he arrived, but they took excellent care of him. By the time Paul left the city, there was a special bond between Paul and the Galatians.

But soon after, a group of teachers arrived and preached that non-Jews could not be saved unless they converted to Judaism, were circumcised, and followed all the moral and ritual laws of the Jewish religion.

Many Galatians believed what these teachers said and turned away from the gospel. This caused a deep and painful conflict between Paul and the Galatian church. The Galatians felt that Paul had betrayed them with a diluted and insufficient gospel of salvation. On the other hand, Paul felt like a mother whose children had run away. He felt frustrated, abandoned and humiliated.

The relationship between Paul and the Galatians was in danger of being shattered. But Paul continued to love them and serve them. He didn’t give up on them. He wanted them to know he was still committed to them and wished he could be with them to talk face to face.

Our relationship with God has its moments, too. We can be led astray, misunderstand the gospel, and question what God has said and done. But He doesn’t give up on us. He comes to us, face to face in Jesus Christ, to assure us of His love and grace, promises and commitment, and forgiveness and restoration in our relationship with Him.

What a great God we have to celebrate and worship.


Lord, I thank You for Your gifts of the Holy Spirit to guide me, and Your Word to feed me, daily in my walk in this life. Let Your Word and Spirit continue to lead me when I encounter those who are troubled and doubting, and let that Word and Spirit manifest in them.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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