Devotion for November 6, 2021

“When his brothers and all his father’s household heard about it, they went down there to him. Then everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him.” (1 Samuel 22:1-2, NASB)

A spirit of hopelessness spread throughout the land. Earlier, there had been optimism after David led Israel’s army to victories. But the environment changed. Threatened by David’s successes, Saul treated him like an enemy, pursuing him relentlessly.

As David fled to a place of safety, people throughout Israel seemed to feel relieved. They knew he was a hunted man, and there were risks for anyone who supported him. But David still provided a ray of hope.

This particularly was true for those who were troubled or weary, those who felt distressed or discontent, and those in debt. David provided a refuge for those facing problems who didn’t know where else to turn.

David reminds us of the promise made by Jesus, who told His followers, “Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened” (Matthew 11:28). He promised they would find rest in Him.

David provided a refuge for everyone in Israel who was in distress. Jesus promises rest and peace for anyone who feels troubled. He is a refuge for those with burdens, those who are sick or discouraged, and those who are worried or afraid. He simply asks us to call on Him, come to Him, and trust Him.

Are you plagued by burdens? Remember, you can take refuge in Jesus. Call on Him. Commit your troubles and concerns to Him. And pray for any people you know who need help.


Dear Lord Jesus, I commit these needs to You: ______. Thank You for taking away my burdens. Thank You for Your peace. In Your name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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