Devotion for October 28, 2022

“In the same way that [the Father] gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world.” (John 17:18, The Message)

You were made to make a unique contribution with your life. In the last devotional, I shared one way you can make that contribution: In a ministry to fellow believers through your SHAPE.

But you were also made for a mission to the world around you. God created you to have both a ministry in the church and a mission in the world.

Jesus says in John 17:18, “In the same way that [the Father] gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world” (The Message). One day, you’ll stand before God and he’ll ask you, “What did you do with what I gave you?” At that point, you’ll answer for how you used the gifts God gave you to complete the mission he has for you.

Paul says, “But I reckon my own life to be worth nothing to me; I only want to complete my mission and finish the work that the Lord Jesus gave me to do, which is to declare the Good News about the grace of God” (Acts 20:24, GNT).

What is the assignment God has given you? God made you to share the Good News. Once you know who Jesus is and what he did to make you right with God, you need to share the message with others.

Jesus said in Acts 1:8: “You will be my witnesses — in Jerusalem, in all of Judea, in Samaria, and in every part of the world” (NCV).

Notice that Jesus doesn’t call you to be his salesperson or his defense attorney. You don’t have to sell Jesus to others or defend him.

Jesus tells you to be his witness. You’re simply to tell others what happened to you. You are the authority on your life. So nobody can be a better witness of what God has done in your life than you.

Jesus wants you to go all over to share this message — to your neighbors, to people who are like you, and to people who are not like you. Their future in eternity is at stake. Unfortunately, millions of people die every year and go into eternity without a relationship with Christ.

I can’t think of a more important mission for you to spend your life on than sharing the Good News about Jesus. And I can’t think of a better time than now to be on that mission.

My life verse is Acts 13:36: “David served God’s purposes in his own time” (GNB). That’s my hope for you. That you’ll serve God’s purpose in your time.


Lord, lead me to serve Your purposes while I am here, to spread the Good News of the saving grace of Jesus to all I meet. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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