October 17, 2020
Series: Pentecost
Pastor: Pastor Mike
Sermon Date: October 18, 2020
What’s next? Well, here’s to the future; a new song to sing to the world!
Verses for you that I used in this broadcast are from the NIV, The Passion Translation and Easy-to-Read-Version, all on BibleGateway.com.
October 10, 2020
Series: Pentecost
Pastor: Pastor Mike
Sermon Date: October 11, 2020
Matthew 22:1-14 gives us the right response to the wedding banquet of eternal life and the results of rejection of that invitation. The last of this gospel tell us of someone who tried to sneak into heaven dressed in their own clothing design of self-righteousness and the resultant action was condemnation and everlasting death.
Let’s check our attitude of how we’re dressed; in Jesus or the world!
October 3, 2020
Series: Pentecost
Pastor: Pastor Mike
Sermon Date: October 4, 2020
Because of sin we have travail in disease, violence, war, hatred, prejudice, etc.
But Christ has resources for us in that he has conquered sin, death, and the devil. We avail ourselves of his grace, mercy, peace, comfort, love and hope and pass that gospel availing hope to others.
We will prevail as Christ promised and one day he will bring his bride the Church home to heaven.
September 26, 2020
Series: Pentecost
Pastor: Pastor Mike
Sermon Date: September 27, 2020
The shape of the word versus the shape of the disciple of Christ. We are to be training to stay in shape by being in the Word of God daily and being re-shaped daily by the work of the Holy Spirit so that we may engage the misshapen world with God’s hope, forgiveness, mercy, peace and love.
September 19, 2020
Series: Pentecost
Pastor: Pastor Mike
Sermon Date: September 20, 2020
Parable of the Vineyard
The Kingdom building joy we have is being in the presence of Jesus now and enjoying his blessings while continuing the invitation for others to join us in the vineyard of grace while there is still time.
September 12, 2020
Series: Pentecost
Pastor: Pastor Mike
Sermon Date: September 13, 2020
When we let un-forgiveness remain in our lives it owns us, controls us and poisons us. When we let God have the bitterness, and hatred toward people or situations we are freed up in Christ.
September 5, 2020
Series: Pentecost
Pastor: Pastor Mike
Sermon Date: September 6, 2020
We pray that this is a blessing to you during your walk in the faith. To God alone be the glory!
August 29, 2020
Series: Pentecost
Pastor: Pastor Mike
Sermon Date: August 30, 2020
If you truly want to follow Jesus, the formula in Matthew 16:21-28 is:
August 22, 2020
Series: Pentecost
Pastor: Pastor Mike
Sermon Date: August 23, 2020
In fearful times, when we call out to him, Jesus is always right there to take your hand and save you. What a great comfort for us today!